Newcomers Writing Program

The videos and podcasts uploaded here offer a glimpse of the unique multicultural community engagement in this program during the Covid19 Pandemic. Presenting a reading of the stories developed and recorded in the writing program.

This work is part of the writing program offered to newcomers to support development of language skills, communication and to support community engagement.

Funding from IRCC for this program is gratefully acknowledged.

Culture Chats BC Association is a not for profit community based association promoting cultural diversity through engagement with literary and other arts among local communities in BC.

Please email if you would like to participate in the free writing program or other art programs.

Culture Chats YouTube Channel

You will find original stories written by our program participants as well as other artistic creations presented on this YouTube channel.

Story Animation Clip

Alex the Lego Lover – This video clip presents the first scene of a beautiful children’s story titled Alex the Lego Lover written by our writing workshop participant Lydia Li. This sample work is part of the project to digitize the wealth of multicultural stories written by new writers from British Columbia who participated in the Writing Program by Culture Chats BC Association.

Culture Chats Podcasts on Spotify

Podcasts presenting tales written by new writers from beautiful British Columbia, Canada.